Liam's Leaps And Bounds

Meet Liam. We've been following him for awhile and we love this little guy. Please go like his Facebook Page and let him know we send you his way.

Liam's Story:
Liam is almost 3 years old and battles serious health issues. Please see the message from his mother below and let both Liam and his family know he is in your thoughts and prayers by clicking Like (equals a hug), Comment or Share.

FROM LIAM'S MOTHER: "Liam is currently undiagnosed, he has muscle weakness, fatigues very easily, has balance issues and some feeding issues. He is non verbal and learning some signs so we can help him with what he needs. He got his gtube place Sept 12,2012! He had it placed for supplement purposes, and to help keep him from being dehydrated when he is sick."

Liam's Facebook page --> Liam's Leaps and Bounds


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