Reading Blogs
I spend my nights reading blogs on CDH survivors, fighters, and angels. Every story is different in its own way, each one breaks my heart. There is one thing every one of these familes share and that the fight against CDH. We all want answers. We all want a way to fix this and to stop this. CDH is that bond that we all share. Only another CDH parent could possibly understand what your going through. The one thing that stands out amongst everything while reading these blogs is the faith. Faith that your child will survive, or faith in God. Faith for everything happening for a reason ans was meant to be. Every one of these parents are stronger than anyone else I have ever met in my life. You have a will to fight along side your children. A strength to keep going when the world seems to crumble around you. You are strong. Your allowed to feel weak. Your allowed to break down and cry. Your allowed to be pissed and angry at the world. It is your right to grieve or celebrate in your own way. No matter what you are strong. You are not alone and will never be alone. There is always someone out there thinking about you and your families. Someone is praying for you. Someone out there is wishing they could be half as strong as you are. You do what you feel you need to do. Only you know what is best for you. Just know that someone is praying for you, someone loves you.
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